

Do you experience leg swelling during the day?

Do your legs feel tired and heavy especially after longer periods of standing or sitting?

Do your legs have varicose veins?

Have your parents suffered from varicose veins?

Keep your veins healthy!

Congratulations! It appears your veins are working as they should! On this website, you can obtain information on how to keep your legs healthy or what to do if new signs or symptoms occur. Speak to your pharmacist for more information.

Tired and heavy legs are quite common. These first symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency can lead to leg swelling, pain and varicose veins if left untreated. The earlier you seek ways to manage these symptoms, the better you will feel. Check out this website to learn more or speak to your healthcare professional.

Take the first signs seriously!

You could belong to a group of people with a risk of chronic venous insufficiency. Chronic venous insufficiency progresses over time. Therefore you should take action to prevent things from getting worse. Learn more here or speak to your pharmacist about treatment options.

Tired and heavy legs are quite common. These first symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency can lead to leg swelling, pain and varicose veins if left untreated. The earlier you seek ways to manage these symptoms, the better you will feel. Check out this website to learn more or speak to your healthcare professional.

Repair, strengthen and protect weak veins!

This result could indicate chronic venous insufficiency. The earlier you seek ways to manage these symptoms, the better you will feel. Check out this website to learn more or speak with your healthcare professional.

Tired and heavy legs are quite common. These first symptoms of chronic venous insufficiency can lead to leg swelling, pain and varicose veins if left untreated. The earlier you seek ways to manage these symptoms, the better you will feel. Check out this website to learn more or speak to your healthcare professional.